Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Do I change Photos on my photostream on flickr to my 360 page? The same 3 photos have been there forever.

I have a bunch of pictures on Flickr, because yahoo photos is closing...Grrrrrrr How do I change the photostream to rotate different pictures on my 360 page? I really DO have more than 3 winter pictures...Honest ! Any redirection will be helpful, and THANK YOU IN ADVANCE !How Do I change Photos on my photostream on flickr to my 360 page? The same 3 photos have been there forever.
聽聽聽Your Flickr Photostream displays the pictures in a preset order, it always shows your most recently uploaded photos first.

聽聽聽There are three ways to change the display order. First, just upload new photos. They will become the most recently uploaded and therefore will display first, so they'll be the ones on your 360掳.

聽聽聽A second way would require that you had a copy of the pictures on your computer or on a disk. If not, you can download them to your computer. Then simply delete a few pictures from Flickr and upload them right back. They'd be the new ones and show on your 360掳.

聽聽聽Third, and probably the easiest would be to edit the picture information in Flickr itself. Open a photo in Flickr by simply clicking on it. When the Photo page opens look at the information below and to the right of the photo, you'll notice a ';Taken on'; date with an ';Edit'; link next to it. Click the ';Edit'; link then when the edit page opens click the ';Date posted'; link at top left. Change the date to the current date then save your changes. Do this for all three pictures you wish to display. Flickr now thinks you've uploaded new photos, they will be first in your Photostream therefore they'll show on your 360掳.

聽聽聽Remember, once 4 hours have elapsed since you've asked your question you are able to select a Best Answer. if any response you receive to any question satisfactorily resolves your issue please select it as Best Answer instead of allowing your question to go to voting. This adds helpful information to the database which may later assist another user and returns three of the five points you spent to ask this question. It also removes the potential for vote fraud.How Do I change Photos on my photostream on flickr to my 360 page? The same 3 photos have been there forever.
I'm glad I could help.

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Check this link out for help and options with flickr

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