Tuesday, September 13, 2011

OK, I have Picasa now and my pictures are in it, now how do I change a photo to black and white?

can you give me step by step, I really appreciate it.OK, I have Picasa now and my pictures are in it, now how do I change a photo to black and white?
B%26amp;W it under effects.OK, I have Picasa now and my pictures are in it, now how do I change a photo to black and white?
Double click on an image.

Go to Tool Panel.

Click Effects.

Click B%26amp;W.

BTW, after I convert to BW in picasa, I will often go back and adjust the contrast, lighting, etc, or add a little touch of color tint to give mood, like a little blue or red. Just a subtle shade can really add a texture to a BW shot.

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